Clarksville Community Schools

Clarksville Community Schools


Clarksville Community Schools

502 Little League Boulevard
Clarksville, IN 47129 | map | directions
812-282-7753 | fax: 812 282-7754
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Welcome to Clarksville Community Schools, home of the famous General George Rogers Clark! Clarksville Community Schools educates nearly 1,400 students from across Southern Indiana every school year. An all "A" and "B" district, Clarksville Community Schools offers a small school community paired with big opportunities. Our students graduate on time more often than any other local school district and one out of every three graduates earns an honors diploma. Our graduates go on to become doctors, lawyers, ministers, business owners, professors, professional athletes and more. We grow each year and look forward to your family growing with us!

1si Member Since: 1984
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