

Date ArticleType
10/3/2017 General

1si Talent Development Initiative

WorkHub Update

With the first FOCUS: Jobs and Career Fair behind 1si, the Talent Development Department is looking to year-end goals and strategic planning for the future.


  • Planning continues for a submission for the third round of Skill UP! Indiana grants. This grant will request funding for the creation of innovative, collaborative strategies to development the regional work force in the areas of construction and healthcare. The last Skill UP! Indiana grant awarded was directed towards the manufacturing industry and work will continue there as well.
  • Regional Indiana school systems continue to work towards the creation and implementation of a Work Ethic Certificate (WEC). The State Workforce Innovation Council (SWIC) views the development and adoption of a community and employer recognized a WEC as an important tool that can help provide a pipeline of skilled high school graduates into today’s workforce. The employability skills recognized in the Governor’s WEC have been vetted by Hoosier employers, community based organizations and post-secondary education institutions and are designed to encourage students to meet the benchmarks that will assist them in their college or career goals.
  • Twenty-five employees from TG Missouri, a division of Toyoda Gosei located New Albany, will be taking advantage of the opportunity to complete their MSSC-CPT certification, provided free of charge through the second round of the Skill UP! Indiana grant. In addition, a local manager at the company will be working towards certification in training so that future needs in the company can be met more easily.
  • 105 teachers from the Greater Clark, New Albany-Floyd County and West Clark school systems participated in externships with 21 manufacturers over the summer in order to better prepare their students for the jobs needed by regional employers.
  • As planning for the next phase of Skill UP! Indiana grant submission is in progress, the Talent Development Initiative at One Southern Indiana continues. Paul Holba, 1si Director of Talent Development and certified DDI trainer, is available to 1si members for consultation on creating a company culture that promotes employee retention and training for supervisory positions. He is also working to encourage the expansion of apprenticeships in regional companies.


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